Review: Fireball Charming


Anime: Fireball Charming
Animation Studio: Jinnis Animation Studios
Number of Episodes: 13
Length per Episode: Approximately 2 minutes

I’m trying to get caught up on reviews. Hopefully if everything goes well my Hidan no Aria review will be out not too long after this one.

Oh, and this’ll be the shortest review I ever write. Not that surprising since the entire show’s run was the length of a normal 24-minute episode.

I said it in my preview for the show and I’ll say it again, what the Fireball series excels at with its humor is mainly its timing. It knows exactly when to have a character say or do something for the best comedic impact. It also just makes the conversation itself more interesting.

Fireball Charming is undoubtedly funny, but a lot of its humor is based around Japanese wordplay, too, which doesn’t always translate very well. However, for the most part, gg did a phenomenal job of translating the show. There were only a few episodes that didn’t make me chuckle.

That’s really all there is to it. Watch Fireball and Fireball Charming. The episodes are only two minutes long, so even if you don’t like it (how could you not like it?), it’s not like much time has passed. If anything, it’s worth watching just to see the amusing interactions between Drossel and Gedächtnis.

RATING: 9 out of 10.

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3 Comments on “Review: Fireball Charming”

  1. Nadja says:

    German robots speaking Japanese and being funny? I am so in. xD

  2. […] “I said it in my preview for the show and I’ll say it again, what the Fireball series excels at with its humor is mainly its timing. It knows exactly when to have a character say or do something for the best comedic impact. It also just makes the conversation itself more interesting. Grade: 9/10.” – Riyoga’s Ramblings […]

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