Review: Hidan no Aria


Anime: Hidan no Aria
Animation Studio: J.C. Staff
Number of Episodes: 12
Length per Episode: Approximately 24 minutes

Well, obviously things did not go “well” seeing as this review came out much later than I wanted. Hopefully it will be out today, but if the clock hits midnight I’m just going to schedule it to pop up tomorrow morning. (EDIT: Alright I lied, it’s basically exactly midnight upon posting this.)

Also, be aware going into this review that I am completely biased. I’ll probably mention this about twenty more times in the review.

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Preview: Hidan no Aria


Guess I should start this off by saying this show is definitely not targeted towards a certain kind of audience. Mainly the ones that don’t like Rie Kugimiya’s roles, or tsunderes in general. If you don’t like tsunderes, for example, Shana (not physically possible), then just avoid this show.

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