My Top 10 Anime of 2012

I was originally just going to put “Top 10 Anime of 2012” as the title, since it’s already obvious this list is just my opinion and such, but I caved and changed it because it made the title look better aesthetically. Two words followed by a number, then another two words followed by another number. Sweet.

The rules for this list are simple: the show needed to end at some point during 2012. Actually, that’s the only rule, but this means that shows could start in late 2011 as long as they continued into 2012. Oh, and only shows I actually watched can make the list, obviously.

So basically this is the ballot I sent in for the APR Best of 2012 voting. I just flipped the order they’re listed in and expanded a bit more on some of the reasons for picking a few of the shows. However, this is still ultimately just a list, so I’m still only giving about a sentence or two to explain why I picked each one.

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Why There’s No Such Thing as “Objectively Good”

Through blogging and reading other blogs, I’ve learned quite a bit about analyzing shows. I’ve also been able to see what sorts of things people look for and like seeing in shows.  However, in the process of doing so (combined with my interest in psychology and philosophy), I’ve stumbled upon quite the interesting theory: that there’s no such thing as being “objectively good”, or even objectivity itself to a degree.

I used to think that presentation was everything in a show, and was what determined whether people ended up liking whatever they were watching or not. Now I have a different mindset, though it’s a slight spin on the previous one.

It’s actually perspective that’s king.

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Review: Shakugan no Shana III (Final)


Anime: Shakugan no Shana III (Final)
Animation Studio: J.C. Staff
Number of Episodes: 24
Length per Episode: Approximately 24 minutes

After finishing my last post, I decided to screw around on the Internet and watch more House M.D. instead of getting straight to this post. It is now 6:45am. So I may not finish this before going off to bed. It doesn’t matter too much though, because it’ll still be out today (Monday), and I’ve posted the last two days, so I’m sure you guys can wait a few extra hours for this to come out. But who knows, maybe I will finish it.

I won’t be addressing any specific scenes in this review, because that’s kind of what my episodics were for. There may be a few exceptions, but even then they’ll probably be vague references, if anything. It won’t make this review shorter, though, because I still have plenty to say (unsurprisingly), and I’ll probably wind up implementing some kind of retrospective of the series into this review.


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Shakugan no Shana III (Final) – Episode 24


And thus arrives the bittersweet end.

Posting this week is going to suck, because I’m home for Spring Break. That means I have to type these all on my laptop, and the keyboard is a lot different than my desktop one. I’m probably going to wear out the backspace key by the end of the week.
A few shows are also ending this week, meaning there will be a lot to post. It’s gonna be time-consuming, to say the least.

Anyways, should probably get to the actual episodic now, considering I have quite a few pictures (well, it is the last episode), though I only have a sentence or two to say for some of them, so I guess it balances out.
Also, after I’m done with this post and publish it, I’ll write up the review for the season and schedule it to post Monday morning. I’m hoping to find a way to write a satisfactory one without spoilers, but odds are that won’t be the case. Oh well.

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Shakugan no Shana III (Final) – Episode 23


I’m going to start sounding like a broken record, but again, if you haven’t yet voted in the poll at the end of my spring impressions post, please go do so. I’m not expecting a huge vote count since this is the first time I’m doing it and I don’t exactly have a massive audience, but I want to make sure I get the votes that I can. If it turns out there’s some silent crowd that wants me to watch something, but they don’t vote, then they’ll end up being disappointed that I’m not watching some show they like, or writhing in agony for them.

So I’m getting this episodic out at a decent time, to make up for the double episodic I posted last time (which still came out pretty late). I’ll also most likely be getting the last episodic out pretty early, since it’s the last episode. I was also originally going to combine my coverage of the last episode with a review for the season, but eh, Shana deserves a review post of its own.

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Shakugan no Shana III (Final) – Episode 21 & Episode 22


First thing’s first, if you haven’t voted in the poll at the end of my spring impressions post, do so please. You can get me to watch a show you think I’m missing out on, or torture me with some horrendous show. Why not vote?

So, back to Shana episodics! Last week’s post got delayed while I waited for Eclipse to release their version, and since it came out so close to this week’s episode, I decided to just wait and do a double-episode post. It actually turned out to be a good idea, because pretty much every question brought up in last week’s episode got answered, or was at least given more information. So most of what I’ll talk about is from this week’s episode, except for the one major plot point from episode 21.

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Shakugan no Shana III (Final) – Episode 20


Sorry for the slight delay in getting this out, homework called on Sunday, and then I had no motivation to do pretty much anything on Monday after getting my first Calc II test back. So I can do the homework just fine, getting the answers right and everything, and yet I can’t pass the actual test? I only joked about it before, but I seriously am starting to believe I have test anxiety. I always manage to bork something up.

In other news, this episode wasn’t as good as the last one. Though that’s not too surprising considering the last episode had the greatest scene in the history of mankind in it. Or, well, at least according to what I look for in a show it was. I didn’t expect this episode to be able to match that, so it’s not like I was upset with the episode or anything. I thought it was yet another good one.

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Current Thoughts on Winter Shows

Well this was certainly a strange week. I think this is the first time I couldn’t manage to think up a topic for an editorial. It’s not even that I’m out of ideas, I sporadically come up with topics all the time; it’s just that for some reason, I was drawing a complete blank. Even some of the topics I wrote down were just… there. I couldn’t think of any ways to flesh them out or talk about them in any way more than “this is the topic, and I agree with it”.

So, instead, I (finally) decided to just type up my thoughts on the shows I’m watching this season. Not the most thought-provoking topic, but eh, at least you can see where I stand on shows. Though I’ll say right now, they haven’t changed all too much from the previews I did.

Also, the TERA beta has started up again for this weekend. It may have also contributed as a bit of a distraction. Maybe.

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Shakugan no Shana III (Final) – Episode 19


I was writing this post yesterday, but then Windows decided that it didn’t really care much for my opinion of “I’d like to restart later” and restarted on its own. It wasn’t too big of a deal since WordPress saves your drafts every few minutes, but it crushed my motivation to continue writing. But I’m getting the post out now, so whatever.

On another note, for those of you gamers out there, there’s a browser game that just got added to Steam today called Realm of the Mad God. Think 8-bit cooperative Touhou in a more open world. It’s pretty cool, and it’s free, so if you have a bit of time to kill, I suggest giving it a shot. I’ve only tried it for a bit, but I’m pretty sure it’s a game you can play in a few minutes at a time if you wanted to. It’s probably what I’m going to do.

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Talking Episodes: Are They Really Just Boring Exposition?

Hmm… been a while since I’ve written an editorial. This should be fun. I always get the most interesting responses when I do them, which makes for pretty good incentive to write them.

Sorry this is coming out later than I originally planned, but I did a little more digging for info than I expected. I think the post should benefit from it, though, so I think it was worth it.

Also, tonight will suck. I want to get a lot of sleep to make up for how little I got this week, but I need to get up early so I can do homework that’s online before the due date. Have I mentioned enough times how much I hate Calc II?

Alright, alright, I’ll get on with the show now.

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